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ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS LTD. Thermometers, hygrometers & analytical instruments from the UK’s largest thermometer manufacturer.

  • 800-000 FRIDGE FREEZER THERMOMETER: The fridge thermometer and freezer thermometer are designed to measure the temperature inside your fridge or freezer. These thermometers have a dial with a diameter of 70mm, and they can display temperatures ranging from -30 to 30°C in increments of 1°C. To make it easier for users to read the temperature, the dial is divided into clear zones with distinctive colours and star-shaped markers. This specific model, known as the 800-000 fridge or freezer thermometer, features a built-in hook that offers the flexibility of being able to stand independently or be hung from a shelf.
  • 803-050 FRIDGE FREEZER SPIRIT HORIZONTAL THERMOMETER: The horizontal fridge freezer thermometer is filled with spirit and can indicate temperatures from -30 to 40°C in 1°C increments. It has clear, colour-coded zones and star markings to make reading the temperature easier. The ABS housing of this fridge freezer thermometer measures 53 x 130mm. The scale of the display includes standard freezer markings, making it easy to read. The thermometer for the fridge freezer can either be placed on a shelf or hung freely.
  • 810-260 LCD PEN SHAPED THERMOMETER: Pen-shaped thermometer. This pen-shaped thermometer measures temperature over the range of 49.9 to 149.9°C. Featuring a 3.5 x 120mm pointed stainless steel probe Each unit is supplied with a probe cover that incorporates a pocket clip. The thermometer incorporates a °C/°F switch and a display hold feature.

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